Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nostalgia eh.....

Time travels faster than light .. how true ..

Similar was a case of my MBA ... never realised when it started and when did it end ... was jus happy it did end ... (sigh) ....

Suddenly, today I happened to find out that my Lappie has jus about of 15 GB's of space left... so I decided to delete some of the not so neccessary things in it ... Now, since the MBA is done with; you dont require all the educational stuff nemore ...and hence I clicked on the 'Courses' folder on the 'C' drive .... and therein was a list of all courses I had taken up in the MBA ... The list started with 'ACF' and ended with 'Valuations' (name of the courses) ... So now the deletion started ... I double clicked the ACF folder ... and amongst notes I found 4 assignments which my grp had done for ACF ... I double clicked assignment 1 ... Texas High Speed Rail corp ... and it reminded me of the day my group mates sat in an empty room doing it .... then I click on assignment 2 .. hey its MW petro ... ah ...the one I completed at 4 am on the submission day ... huh was some genius ...i distinctly remember I had done smthng the prof had challenged no one could do ... he he ...had a big argument in class tht day wid the finance prof (a 1000 ppl told me to calm down on IP tht day)... Looked thru the 3rd assignment and then the 4th .... I also remember that despite everything I topped tht subject .. my grp got the max marks in grp works.... so I decided not to delete nething from tht folder ...

In every folder; i clicked on the assignments, the notes I made in class (some ppl thought I used to chat in class .. lol ).... all had some memories ... I cudnt delete ne single one of those folders ... nor a single thing in those folders.......they all have loads of memories in them .. they remind me of days n nights I used to sit n break my head over things... they bring back all those moments I spent in my MBA ... Every day is so clear in my mind today .. the assignments/notes acted as a point of refernce for things I had forgotten ...

There is that folder called 'Dic-Dic' in my 'C' drive .... Dic-Dic is named after ADIC ... tht was the only interview I was gonna sit for in the entire placements... it has the best of data ever avaliable about markets .. infact on my interview day .. i knew where each particular stock market was, what were the rates for G-7 currencies.. wht the credit market in U.S was headed ... possibly everything one wud wish to knw abt finance still lies in tht folder .... There are folders which I made for friend(s ) ..carrying info abt tht job they were applyin to .. there are folders of a terrific SGP ... similary of a super dissertation (though the case was ..the evaluators never understood wht they were) ...

How could I delete all of this .... I can't ... m not that gutsy ... wht i realised is that how precious this data is for me .. n i need to take a back-up instead of deleting smthng frm it ...

There are things, people I would wish to forget abt from my MBA days .... however there are many good things that happened to me that I would wanna take ahead with me ....

Time travels fast and its important u leave behind traces to know where you have come from ... bcuz tht always helps u figure out where u are headed next ....

Silly me ... was trying to delete that part of my life away ... !!


Unknown said...

Mitr that’s very true that Time travels faster than light..
Dear those were assignments till college which we did for our MBA but now these r memories ….very true u cant delete them …even u delete them from your laptop but u cant from your memory whether they were sweet or sour…but take my world after few year u will cherish each every moment of it …

Unknown said...

this is one of your best Hiral!! god i miss those days so bad.. :)