Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's been long .....

'Sometimes you wanna leave yourself a footnote and find out, wht you have done is written a whole chapter' ....

I know what this phrase means today .... my academic journey so far can be best summarised by this phrase above.

Well I wanted to write myself a footnote as well ... that was being a Chartered Accountant ...thts wht my parents wanted me to be ... and while boarding the 6.26 am slow train from Borivali every day during the second yr Bcom .. i used to wonder when this ordeal is gonna end ... bcuz it was a bit crazy those days ... day began at 5.30 am and ended close to 11pm at night ... i used to hate that ...bcuz it meant tht I cudnt follow many of my other interest(s) .. i wudnt be able to watch cricket !! .. no nothing...

Things did go well n i was a C.A (thankfully) ... but as i already said CA was more of a Compulsion than Choice..i didnt wanna continue wid its practice or nething related to tht ... i found paper work so boring .... so i decided to study further ..(n parents didnt mind bcuz i was jus 21 then)....I did a few other things like C.S (again tht didnt excite me), CFM - my first real knowledge came frm tht particular course....tht gave me a briefing on everything i wanted to knw ...n ya most importantly it helped me crack the ICICI treasury interview ....

ICICI was the biggest turning point of life so far... i had never seen an organization, its people aggressive in my life ever before .. everything was so fast, things didnt happen they were made to happen n fast .... it gave u inspiration ... i dont knw for wht .. but it told u impliedly tht u had to be good to be there long ....

Treasury really helped me decide wht I wanted to do all my life ... wht wud excite a bore like me ... it was 'Get up every morning and decide where the world goes next' ..hmm .. so i started looking at people who wud do tht evry day and understand wht do they knw which i dont ... one thing i became aware of, at tht time was tht I needed to broaden my information quadrant.. knw n understand things in a broader perspective .. and then i decided to do MBA .. and since, by then i knew tht money is most exciting of all things in the world.. i decided to do CFA as well ...

17th August 2007 marked i was a C.A., C.S., CFM, FRM, CFA and an MBA (CFA being the last one)... nah i m not crazy nor m i a nerd ...nor did i ever plan it in the 6.26am train... i m jus a average guy who works a lil bit more ... ... jus took whtever came my way ... ya one thing i did right was not being afraid to take things up.... who dares wins isnt it !!


Unknown said...

Hey Hiral,

Nicely written and pretty simple to comprehend. But am sure it would inspire the hardworking lot... I know you since a year now and for all that I know; I bet there are very few people who have such a wide information quadrant...Just keep going..


Anonymous said...

People of the world, who r courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties …..Then the whole world belongs to them….but you should have vision for that …and u have .


Anonymous said...

Hiral Bhai ki kahani unhi ki jubaani! :)
i cant imagine the amount of hard work that must've gone in getting so many degrees!!! kudos to u

R!tesh said...

Lage raho dude,.. inline i guess u can go for MIM and M.Com also !!
